Friday, February 27, 2009

p.s. Top Carla!

Today I've been quite depressed over Carla's non victory on top chef last night. Carla!!! Trust yourself not some evil maniacal sous chef biatch who creates shwaah vshih beef and blue cheese souffle woes. BUT, the silver lining is that she is top chef regardless of title. I love her. She is my hero. Her and Obama. And the kids from Slumdog Millionaire. And my mom. Okay. Finished. Promise.


Despite the snow this morning (wha?? huh??), I'm convinced spring is right around the corner which means poppy pods and viburnum berries aren't too far away. Okay, I'm sort of playing my own LOST time travel game here, but work with me, please. I could really go for some spring and strawberries!

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I'm having a very yellow day. Reminds me of this little jem from a couple summers past...

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Parrot tulips might be my favorite. Or is it dogwood branches? Or garden roses? Or peonies? Crap. Don't make me decide. I just dig flowers.

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